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Sha Tau Kok Station through a comprehensive inspection of law enforcement


According to the city of Quality Supervision Bureau of the unified deployment, recently, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of quality and technical supervision Guo Xiaoyu notch to Yantian and Longgang District, to carry out the bottled gas filling safety and metrological supervision and comprehensive law enforcement inspection.
Sha Tau Kok branch cylinder filling station in Yantian guangjunengyuan, law enforcement officers to focus on examination of the system construction, measurement of safety equipment management, operations personnel documented security exercises, etc., metrology and quality inspection and special inspection hospital inspection personnel also conducted on-site supervision and inspection on the cylinder filling and metering, no non refillable owned, unmanaged, unauthorized modification and overdue inspection of the cylinder is found, the operation of filling personnel all certificates, the 8 branch of the electronic liquefied petroleum gas filling scale in all test within the validity period of 4 large liquefied petroleum gas storage tank has regular inspection, the scene found no other equipments safety, the overall situation is good. Guo Xiaoyu, deputy director of the fully affirmed, Sha Tau Kok Station attention and support on the job security, he requirements based on the use of safety management and technical evaluation work in the special equipment, to further improve the special equipment safety management and metering management work.

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